Thursday, 29 August 2019

LBL - London to Brighton and return!

In an attempt to get my miles up I and five others attempted to ride to London to Brighton return.

The route was again "borrowed" from the very useful Dirty Wknd club. I'm thinking I should join since I've now used a few of their well curated routes.

When I say "attempted" we were hampered by a very eventful day. Getting to the start was difficult for some because of broken trains. Completing the event was difficult because of a broken bike and crazy heat. Somehow London managed to pull a 32 degree day out of the hat. Ice baths became a stop requirement, but even so people slowly wilted. As time went by the six that started slowly dwindled down to two. And even then we had to give up at Dorking as the thought of Box Hill in the dark didn't sound like fun.

However it's all good, 174km for the day is my personal high score, so very happy. It was a great day


We're getting there with the sponsorship! A few more donations will push it over the line. Cancer is a worthy cause, one that touches us all in some way. I'm working hard to make this charity ride a reality, so I'd really appreciate any help you can give to get me to my sponsorship goal. Please see my sponsorship page for details on how to donate. 

Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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